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中国电机工程学会2020年直流专委会学术年会、HVDC2020国际会议(2020年11月6-9日 中国西安)

发布时间: 2020-03-11     来源: 中国电机工程学会官网

根据中国电机工程学会工作的安排,中国电机工程学会直流输电与电力电子专业委员会2020年学术年会(第九届)将于2020年11月6-9日在中国西安召开,并与第四届国际高压直流会议(HVDC 2020)同期合办,会议由西安交通大学承办。

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology is one of the core technologies enabling modern and future electrical grids. To facilitate presentations and communications of technological innovations in this area, the 4th International Conference on HVDC (HVDC2020) will be held during November 6th - 9th, 2020 in Xi’an, China, which is co-located with the 2020 Annual Conference of CSEE Study Committee of DC Transmission and Power Electronics.

This international conference will be focused on the theme of HVDC Technologies Evolving for Future Power Systems, providing a venue for experts to present the results of their latest cutting-edge achievements on LCC-HVDC, VSC-HVDC, and power electronic devices and applications, etc.




